rd" xmlns:st1="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40" xmlns:ns0="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"> rd" xmlns:st1="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"> Airmail and Postage Due Plate Blocks

CZ Airmail and Postage Due Plate Blocks – revised 10/15/13


(“Top” of “bottom” refer to plate position on the sheet – “top” plate blocks occur at the top of the sheet, so plate # and selvage is at the top of the plate block)


NOTE WELL: most of C6-20 have gum bends, created from shrinkage in the stamps when the gum dried; these are NORMAL and look like light diagonal creases. I will only take prices off for heavier creases, and of course always mention the extent of the gum creases in the description. “Couple gum bends” means only a couple in the block; “gum bends” means they are present throughout.


Scott #                                           Price


C3 F/VF to VF NH bot 115187, one perf. sep in selv. Sharp! $95

C3 F/VF TG bot. #115186             $48

C3 F/VF OG  " perfs reinf.            40

C4 F OG (2 NH) left plate block http://canalzonestamps.com/images/czc4plblk.jpg  $58

C6 F/VF to VF NH top, couple of usual gum bends $11

C6 F/VF NH top, couple of usual gum bends      $9

C7 F/VF to VF NH top, couple of gum bends        $9.50

C7 F/VF NH top, gum bends $8

C7 F/VF NH bottom, small selvage thin $4

C7 F+ NH bottom, weak perfs $3

C7 F+ NH top, two vertical preprinting creases through left two stamps, unusual     $7

C7 F+ NH top, tropical gum $4

C8 VF NH bottom, gum bends   $10

C8 F/VF to VF NH bottom $12

C8 F/VF NH bottom, couple of gum bends  $11

C8 ditto, with a few gum skips $11

C8 F/VF NH top or bottom         10.00

C8 F+ NH bottom, gum bends $9

C9 F/VF NH top, the top edge perfs are raised above normal position, unusual $11

C9 F/VF NH bottom, gum bends. Bottom edge perfs below normal $12

C9 F+ to almost F/VF NH top, gum bends $10

C9 VF NH blk of 4 with pl #, top  4.50

C10 VF NH bottom, gum bends             $12

C10 F/VF to VF NH bottom $12

C10 F/VF NH bottom, gum bends     $8

C10 F/VF NH top, gum bends   $8

C10 F/VF to VF NH top, deep blue shade $10

C10 F+ to F/VF NH bottom, bottom edge perfs shifted WELL below normal –interesting freak perfs! $15

C11 F/VF to VF NH bottom, gum bends $18

C11 F/VF to VF OG (not NH) WG bottom, gum bends $9

C11 F+ to VF NH top plate block, sm piece out of upper left selvage, slight waxy gum $12

C11 F+ to F/VF NH bot, selv thin $5

C12 F/VF NH plate block, nice $36

C12 F/VF NH top, small piece out of selvage $28


C13 almost F/VF NH top, fresh     $36


C14 F/VF to VF NH bottom plate block #123579, marvelous centering, fresh, couple usual gum bends

   but no diagonal bends. Choice $110


C15 F/VF NH bottom plate block, small light waxy gum area at bottom center, nicely centered  $36

C16 VF NH bottom plate block, small light waxy ˝” vertical strip near the middle, just about perfect centering!  $48

C18 F+ to F/VF NH bottom plate block #140995, some gummed over gun skips in center, extremely (and I mean extremely) small edge discoloration on bottom center selvage, very rare due to issue quantity $170


C21 F/VF NH            9.00

C21 F/VF NH            9.00

C21a F/VF NH          $10

C21a F+ NH              7.00

C22 F/VF NH            7.00

C22 F+ NH               5.00

C22a F/VF NH          8.50

C23 F/VF to VF NH   10.00

C23 F/VF NH            8.50

C23 F+ NH               7.00

C25 VF NH right plate position #162161, waxy gum $40

C25 VF NH ditto, two gum bends and very tiny selvage thin $28

C25 F/VF NH            $70

C25 F/VF NH slight gum disturbance         45

C26 VF NH                  40

C26 F/VF toVF NH       34             

C26 F/VF NH               30

C27 F/VF OG            5.50

C27 F/VF NH (pen in selvage)    6.00

C27 F NH WG                4

C28 F/VF OG LH       7.75

C28 F+ NH               6.00

C28 F+ OG slight waxy gum with tiny ink on gum  $4.75

C29 almost F/VF NH           $28

C29 F+  NH erased # in selvage $18

C30 F/VF NH rare!         $75

C30 alm F/VF NH light bend   $26

C31 F/VF NH            45.00

C31 F++ NH             35.00

C31 F/VF OG LH       30.00

C32 VF NH               18.00

C32 F/VF+ NH          16.00

C33 VF NH               3.75

C33 VF OG slight waxy gum $2.50

C33 F/VF NH            3.25

C34 VF NH               9.00

C34 F/VF NH $8.25      F+ NH $6.35

C35 VF NH               16.00

C35 F/VF NH            14.00

C36-41 VF NH avg. set     60

C36 VF NH  $3.75     F/VF NH  3.25

C37 VF NH  $4.00     F/VF NH  3.50

C38 VF NH  $9.50     F/VF NH  8.50

C39 VF NH               10.00

C40 VF NH               15.00

C40 F/VF NH            12.00

C41 VF NH               24.00

C41 F/VF NH            21.00

C42-7 F/VF or + NH set 28.00

C42 VF NH  $3.25     F/VF NH  3.00

C43 VF NH  $3.00     F/VF NH    2.75

C44 VF NH  pencil # on selvage 7.50

C44 F+  NH  6.00

C44 F/VF OG  5.50

C44 F+ NH  $7.25       F+ OG   4.40

C45 VF NH  $4.50      VF OG   3.00

C45 F/VF NH  $4     F/VF OG  2.75

C46 VF NH  $4.75      VF OG   3.25

C46 F/VF NH  $4.25   F/VF OG  $3

C47 VF NH    $18.00      VF OG  12

C47 F/VF NH  $16.00   F/VF OG 10

C48                              VF OG   2.75

C48 F/VF OG $2.75    F/VF WG  $2

C49 VF NH  $3.00       VF OG   2.25

C49 F/VF NH  $2.50    F/VF OG  $2

C49 F+ NH                   2

C50 VF NH  $5.00      VF OG   4.50

C50 F/VF NH  $4.50   F/VF OG   $4

C51 VF NH               6.25

C51 F/VF NH            5.75

C51 VF OG  $5.50     F/VF OG  5.00

C52 VF NH   $5.50      VF OG   4.75

C52 F/VF NH            4.75

C52 F+ NH               4.00

C52 VF OG               4.25

C52 F/VF OG            4.00

C53 VF NH               10.00

C53 VF OG               9.00

C53 F/VF NH   $9     F+ NH  $6


CZ Postage Due Plate Blocks

J21 bottom selvage plate block, F+ to F/VF NH $40

J21, same position, F+ NH few gum bends $32

J24 F/VF NH right side plate block #118116, only 1800 exist at most, $70

J25a F/VF NH red violet, top #F123716 plate block  $5