CZ PLATE BLOCKS – updated 3/18/20


(Note: Wet Plate plates may have disturbed gum or gum skips, some perf.seps. possible. As usual, 120-35, C6-20, etc. also have normal gum bends.) We have many wet/dry plates. “Right” or “top” indicate the plate position of the plate block (right side, or top, of the sheet), as do LR (lower right), LL (lower left), etc.


Scott no.                                  Price


9 block of 9 with left selvage and American Bank Note inscription.

  VG/F/F+ WG, light bend on 4 stamps, lt. stain in bottom selvage

  (not with inscription) still rare        $50


70 F/VF NH right #17018, thin spot on one stamp, fresh  $13

70 F+ NH fresh gum, #17017 top, one

  stamp with light crease    $13

70 F+ WG left 17079 or 17080  $11

70 F+ OG bot. #17079, 2 crs      $7

70 F++ OG top F17029, fresh      $15

70 F WG top 17078   $9

71 F/VF to VF NH (some waxiness,

   not very much)  top 15374, fresh!  $38

71 F+ NH bottom #16561 some waxiness, also not much            27.00


71.B (2nd printing) VG/F NH  top  F16560, upper right stamp has Z

  Under C variety (CZSG 71.1) Unusual $50


72 VG/F WG right “16863” plate number  $28


77 F/VF to VF NH 14515 top, tiny  hinge reinforcement in small top

  selvage, top row 9 mm spacing between CANAL and ZONE

  (71.1G), bottom row 8.5 mm  spacing (71.1E).  Attractive &

  fresh.                                     $475


96 VF OG (one stamp and selvage hinged) left few very small perf seps.left #18570            $55

96 F/VF WG left #18577, full selvage but plate number cut off about 50% as the press didn’t contact the paper $48

96 F+ to F/VF WG, some glassine from interleaving on gum at top and bottom, right side #18583 $42

96 F+ OG (some waxy) right side #18570, crease at the top of top two stamps $26

98 UR plate block, LR st. has small tear at bottom, o/w sound, F to F++ NH centering.    $45

100 almost F/VF NH 18730 LR, crease at lower left     $9

100 F+ NH #18731 LR small pencil # on selvage $14

100 F NH LR #18731                   $18

100 F to F+ NH 18731 LR tiny selvage crease  $14

100 F OG LR #18731 small gum soak on one stamp $14

101.B (2nd printing) F/VF WG, #18985 UR, selvage a bit short  $20

102 F/VF NH UR #18833, small perf separation in selvage  $45

102 F/VF OG (two stamps NH) #18803 LR small perf sep in selvage $32

102 F NH (light pencil # on gum) #18833 LR   $24

105 VF NH perf. seps.   1.10

105 F/VF NH var. pos.   90c

106 F/VF NH perf seps    $3.50

106 F+  NH  $4   VG/F NH  $3.25

107 VF NH rt. #118115   26.00

107 F/VF+ NH left #118118        19.00

107 F/VF NH top #118118          20.00

107 F/VF NH bot  "(perf seps)     $13

107 F/VF+ NH top 118118 some pf. sep's. in selvage, o/w OK            $13

107 F/VF NH lt. 118116, 1 pp.      $4

108 VF NH top or bot.   12.50

108 F/VF NH top or bot.            11.00

109 F/VF to VF NH top or bot.   11.50

109 F/VF NH top         $10

109 F+ NH top            8.50

110 almVF NH bot.   16.00

(Note: all 110 plate blocks now in stock have gum bends)

110 F/VF NH bottom        $14

110 F+ NH bottom       10

110 F NH bottom           9

111 almost F/VF NH bottom       $10

112 almost F/VF NH bottom        $8

112 F+ NH top or bottom             $7

(Note: all 112 plate blocks now in stock have dry gum – used after 1975, the dry gum (DSG) was used for tropical

   reasons and looks like the stamps have no gum; lick it and you’ll see it’s actually gum!)

112 F+ USED top plate block of 6! Lightly cancelled. Unusual $4.50

113 alm VF NH top     9.75

113 almVF NH  bot $9.75 sl.waxy $7

113 F/VF NH top or bottom      9.50

113 F+ NH bottom        8

114 VF NH top or bottom          22

114 F/VF NH top or right            20.00

114 F+ NH left, lilac rose           22.00

114 F/VF OG top      15.00

115 F to F+ NH   very  tiny paper

  adherence, 20937 LL, selvage a bit

  short at upper left                  $23

116 F/VF NH LR #20550 (sm th on one stamp) $28

117 VF NH                $1.75

117 F/VF NH $1.50   F+ NH   $1.35

118 alm F/VF NH      7.00

118 VG/F NH 21885 LL, selv. cr 1.25

119 F+ NH                3.50

120 F/VF NH             $12


136 F+ NH  $ 2 (all 136 plate blocks now in stock have gum bends)

136 VG/F NH $1

137 VF NH    2.50

137 F/VF NH  $2.00    F+ NH    $1.25

(Note: all 137 plate blocks now in stocks have gum bends)

138 F/VF NH DSG    1.35

138 F/VF NH dry gum      90c

139 VF NH  DSG      6.00

139 F/VF NH "  or wet gum            5

139 F+ NH   "                4

140 VF NH  wet gum 16.00

140 F/VF NH "   " or DSG          14.00

140 F+ NH  DSG       12.00

141 VF NH                18.00

141 alm. VF NH few gsk's.         13.00

141 F/VF NH             15.00

141 F+ NH                13.00

142 alm. VF NH          5.25

142 F/VF NH               4.50

143 VF NH                8.00

143 F/VF NH             7.25

144 VF NH                  18

144 F/VF NH  $16  alm F/VF OG $9

145 VF NH                25.00

145 alm.VF NH         22.00

146 VF NH $35  VF NH gum bend $24

146 alm.VF NH         30.00

146 F/VF NH             31.00

147 VF NH    11.50 F/VF NH      10.00

148 VF NH    $5.75     FVF NH 5.25

148 F+ NH                4.00   

149 VF NH                5.00

149 F/VF NH   4.50  2  sm selv trs $1

150 VF NH    $5.25     VF VLH 4.75

150 F/VF NH             4.75

151 VF NH                7.50

151 F/VF+ NH  $7 matched set $30

152 VF NH  $1.50   F/VF NH  $1.25

156 VF NH                5.50

156 VF OG               3.75

156 F/VF NH             5.00

156 F/VF WG LL 168004            $2

157 VF NH UL pos.with Plate

Crack in selvage!!     4.75

157 F/VF NH same crack           4.20

157 VF NH                3.75

157 F/VF NH             3.25

158 F+ NH                3.00

159 VF NH  3.65  F/VF NH         3.25

159 VF OG 3.00   F/VF OG        2.35

163 VF NH  2.00  F/VF NH         1.75

164 usual F+ centering, NH one of the most uncommon CZ modern plate blocks   $6

164 USED! F/VF Plate block of 6 (lower left plate #172528 with two addl. stamps at right), small perf sep.

   not affecting plat block, VLC, unusual and rare $7.75


164 alm F/VF NH tagged.  $125 Rare!


165 F/VF NH    $1.75   OG $1.20